Caring for Your Fine Jewellery: Tips and Tricks

Fine jewellery is more than just an accessory; it’s an investment and often holds significant sentimental value. To keep your precious pieces looking their best, it’s essential to understand how to care for them properly. Here are some expert tips and tricks from Clio's jewellers to help you maintain the brilliance and integrity of your fine jewellery.

Proper Cleaning Techniques

Regular cleaning is crucial for maintaining the sparkle of your jewellery. Here’s how to clean different types of pieces:

Gold and Platinum

  • Mild Soap Solution: Mix a few drops of mild dish soap with warm water. Soak your gold or platinum jewellery for a few minutes, then gently scrub with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry with a soft cloth.

  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Never use bleach or chlorine-based cleaners as they can damage the metal.


  • Baking Soda Paste: Make a paste with baking soda and water. Apply it to the silver jewellery using a soft cloth, rub gently, then rinse and dry.

  • Commercial Silver Cleaners: For heavily tarnished pieces, consider using a commercial silver cleaner, following the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.


  • Soft Brush and Soapy Water: For most gemstones, a soft brush and soapy water work well. Avoid soaking porous stones like pearls, opals, and turquoise.

  • Professional Cleaning: Delicate gemstones might require professional cleaning to avoid damage.

Safe Storage Methods

Storing your jewellery correctly can prevent scratches, tangling, and other damage.

Individual Storage

  • Soft Pouches: Store each piece in a soft pouch to prevent scratching and tangling.

  • Jewellery Boxes with Compartments: Use a jewellery box with individual compartments lined with soft fabric.

Avoid Moisture

  • Silica Gel Packs: Place silica gel packs in your jewellery box to absorb moisture and prevent tarnish, especially for silver pieces.

Separate by Metal and Gemstone

  • Avoid Contact: Store different metals and gemstones separately to prevent chemical reactions and scratches.

Tips for Preserving Shine and Integrity

Different types of metals and gemstones require specific care to maintain their shine and structural integrity.


  • Gold and Platinum: These metals are durable but can still scratch. Regular polishing with a jewellery polishing cloth can help maintain their shine.

  • Silver: Regular use and polishing can prevent tarnish. Store in anti-tarnish bags or cloths.


  • Avoid Exposure to Chemicals: Perfumes, lotions, and household cleaners can damage gemstones. Put on jewellery after applying makeup and perfume.

  • Regular Inspections: Check for loose settings or damage regularly to prevent loss of stones.

Handling Repairs and Professional Polishing

While routine maintenance can be done at home, certain situations require professional attention.

When to Seek Professional Help

  • Loose Stones: If you notice a loose stone, bring it to a professional jeweller immediately to avoid losing it.

  • Deep Scratches or Dents: Professional polishing can remove deep scratches and restore the piece’s original luster.

Expert Insights from Clio’s Jewellers

  • Polishing Frequency: "Polish your jewellery professionally at least once a year to maintain its brilliance," says one of Clio’s master jewellers.

  • Repair Expertise: "Always choose a reputable jeweller for repairs to ensure the integrity and value of your jewellery is preserved."


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